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德国演示新一代高铁动车ICE 3

德国演示新一代高铁动车ICE 3

中国经济网北京10月20日讯(王红娟)德国铁路股份公司(Deutsche Bahn)星期二在伦敦附近的St. Pancras车站公开演示了采用先进技术的新一代高铁动车,同时公布了一份欧洲高铁联网计划。此次演示的目的是向公众表明最新一代高铁动车可以安全地通过英吉利海峡。

德国铁路股份公司希望在2013年开通伦敦至法兰克福的高铁运营路线,并计划将其进一步拓展至荷兰的阿姆斯特丹、鹿特丹、比利时的布鲁塞尔和德国科隆。这种新型动车是西门子公司制造的ICE 3,稳定运行时速高达320公里(合每小时200英里)。


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Blue Tiger locomotives designed by Adtranz in Germany

Blue Tiger in Vacha, Germany

Blue Tiger in Vacha, Germany

Blue Tiger locomotive designed by Adtranz in Germany

Blue Tiger locomotive designed by Adtranz in Germany

Blue Tiger Class 26 Diesel Electric mainline locomotives for Malaysia - KTM

Blue Tiger Class 26 Diesel Electric mainline locomotives for Malaysia - KTM

The Blue Tiger (manufacturer designation: DE-AC33C) is a type of high powered diesel-electric locomotive developed by AdTranz in association with General Electric.

History and design

Initially the axle load was expected to be a light 18tonnes, and the power at ~2500kW. In practice the German locomotives had an axle load of 21t; normal for this type of diesel locomotive.

General Electric supplied the diesel engines, and electrical tranmission system – which utilised IGBT based inverters driving ‘AC’ motors. The rest of the locomotive was built by AdTranz in Kassel

For the Pakistani export models a 16 cylinder engine was used.

Bombardier took over AdTranz in 2001, subsequently the Blue Tiger locomotive was shown at InnoTrans in 2002 with a view to European orders. The German production models had a mass of 126t (axle load 21t) and an engine power of 2,430 kW.

As of 2009 the class are no longer listed a production models by Bombardier, GE lists also lists the family as former production types. For the european market Bomabardier produces the less powerful diesel variants of the TRAXX family, whilst GE offers variants of its Evolution series for export.
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