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CKD7 Diesel-electric Locomotive (Exported to Myanmar)

CKD7 Diesel-electric Locomotive (Exported to Myanmar)

CKD7 Diesel-electric Locomotive (Exported to Myanmar in 1993)

CKD7 diesel-electric locomotive with AC-DC transmission manufactured by Dalian Locomotive and Rolling Stock Company Limited is used for hauling passenger and freight trains on the main line of meter gauge in Myanmar. There are two driver’s cabs and inside corridors in the locomotive body. The body seats on three bogies of Bo-Bo-Bo axle arrangement. The locomotive is equipped with a CAT3516 engine whose maximum service power for locomotive is 1250kW. The locomotive is also provided with combined air-vacuum brake system and rheostat brake system. This type of locomotive was exported to Myanmar Railways in the early part of 1993.

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